Seek help, of course. So you read a buyer’s guide or product reviews or even read the marketing copy on the packages in the store. But while these help you narrow the field down, they still force you to make the final decision: A vs B (vs. C vs. D...). My idea is to take the filter to the extreme.
For every product and service category I review, I will give you one recommendation. That's right, there's no decision to make (other than whether or not you actually need this new product or service); I will have already done the work for you. Granted, you're going to have to trust me. And I have to earn that trust. Fair enough. But once I do, this site will save you a ton of time, effort, and stress.
So a single recommendation isn’t going to work for everyone. That’s fine. This site isn’t for everyone. It’s for the 80% of the population out there who has been overwhelmed by the paradox of choice and just wants the best overall product out there without having to do a ton of (or really any) work. High value, low cost decision making. And if you think I’m wrong, let me know. Write in the comments. Suggest a better alternative. You might just change my mind.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the recommendations. I want to keep this open as a 2-way conversation, so let me know what products and services you recommend. I need your help in filling out the full product and service space. Thanks.

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